
E-Way Global System Inc. was established in 2002. The main business is to assemble workstation and server for small and medium business.

In the year of 2006, E-Way Global System Inc. became one of the ARECA’s distributors in Taiwan. In 2007, E-Way Global System was ARECA’s exclusive distributor for Taiwan market. With more and more experience in the video and audio market, it was clear to see the trend of hardware needed in this field. Especially the change from SD TV to HD TV and now to 3D video, it requires massive storage system. Most of the chassis in the market is not custom designed for ARECA products. In 2008, the first custom designed chassis for ARECA products were born. The 3U storage chassis has the flexibility for ARECA products and also PCIe storage systems. At the same time, our market has expanded from Taiwan to China.

Now, in addition to Taiwan and China market, it is time to expand the market to worldwide. Since most of the industrial server/storage systems have different requirements, our products can be easily modified to suit your needs. At E-way, you will get the best quality and service.
